The ACA is Working: Carlos’ Story

Carlos R., Suffolk County

Posted December, 10 2014 by Amanda

For more stories about how the ACA is helping New Yorkers get covered, see our full booklet: The ACA is Working: New Yorkers Tell Their Stories of Getting Covered

Carlos Reyes Photo

Age: 37
Enrolled in: Medicaid
Final premium: Free
Before the ACA, affordable healthcare to cover Carlos’ prescriptions was beyond his reach.
Now, Carlos can get the medication he needs to stay healthy—for free.




Carlos, who experiences chronic sinus infections, struggled to find affordable health insurance. When he lost his job, his unemployment benefits put him barely over the Medicaid limit, so he could not afford to see a doctor or get the prescriptions he needed. When the Marketplace opened he went to see a Navigator at Make the Road New York to learn about his options. The Navigator shared the good news: because of Medicaid expansion under the ACA, he is now eligible for free public coverage. Carlos was grateful for the Navigator’s help because English isn’t his first language and he isn’t confident using a computer. “I was afraid of the new system,” he said, but “the application process was very easy and also easy to understand.” Now, Carlos can see a doctor for free whenever he has sinus problems and get the prescriptions he needs.

“I was never able to get health insurance before and I just got it through the Marketplace…I’m very happy because finally I can get treatment.”

Special thanks to Make the Road New York for contributing this story!

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