Exercise Your Right to VOTE!

Posted November, 2 2010 by arianne

It’s November 2nd, and what better way to get in shape for that Thanksgiving holiday than to walk, run, or zumba your way to the polls? 

Health care is the topic on everybody’s minds right now, and this election will weigh big on how the new health reform law will be implemented in NY.  So, it’s important to get out there and make yourself heard!

Don’t know who is on the ballot? There is still time to do your homework! Click here to find out who is on your ballot.

Don’t know if you are registered to vote? Click here to find out if and where you are registered.

Don’t know where your polling location is? Click here to find out where you vote.

Having problems finding your registration? If you get to your regular polling place and find that your name is not on the list – do not despair.  You can still vote.  Ask your poll worker for an affadavit ballot.  Your ballot and affadavit will be sent to the Board of Elections, and once your registration is confirmed your vote will be counted. 

Forgot to register? If you forgot to register, then you are out of luck for this election.  But if you register now, you can vote in the next election.  If you’ve recently moved but forgot to change the address, you can still vote in your old polling location.  Click here to find out how to register to vote in NY.

The polls are open until 9 PM – so, get out there and VOTE!  It’s for your health!