Annual Winter Meeting
2019 Jan 18 - 10:00am-3:30pm - SEIU 1199, 155 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York

Host: Health Care for All New York
Change is on the horizon in Albany and Washington! Join health advocates from around the state to discuss what to expect from the new NYS legislative leadership, HCFANY and other advocacy group’s 2019 priorities, and how you can help with the fight. An abbreviated agenda is below, download the full agenda here. Register here.
10:00 Registration and Coffee
10:30 Welcome and Introductions
10:45 The New Landscape for Health Reform in New York State: State and Federal Changes
12:00 HCFANY’s Legislative Program
12:30 Lunch and Special Guest Speakers
1:15 Choose one: Hospital Accountability or Expanding Coverage
2:00 Break
2:15 Choose one: Network Adequacy; Immigrant Coverage; or Enrollment and Consumer Assistance
3:00 Breakout groups report
3:30 Adjourn