In 2022, the FY 2023 budget deal resulted in a promise made by Governor Hochul’s Administration to seek federal funding through a 1332 Waiver to expand our Essential Plan program to all New York State residents, including immigrants who are undocumented. In a turnaround, the State’s final FY 2024 proposed budget excludes immigrants from the […]
This testimony was submitted on February 25, 2021. Download a pdf below. Health Care for All New York (HCFANY) would like to thank the chairs and members of the Assembly Ways and Means and the Senate Finance Committees for providing the public an opportunity to provide our comments on the state budget. HCFANY is […]
Coverage Half of New Yorkers say that they cannot afford medical care even with insurance and another 5 percent of New Yorkers, 1 million people, have no coverage at all. New York should enact the New York Health Act (S3577a/A5248a) to cover everyone. RIGHT NOW: Pass S2549/A1585 to ensure that immigrants affected by COVID-19 have […]
We write to provide the comments of HCFANY on the proposed rule regarding Health Care Reform Insurance Web Portal Requirements. As an overarching principle, we urge the Secretary to provide all of the information a consumer will need to make an informed decision using a simple format and plain language so that it is accessible […]
The new health law does several things to both reduce the number of people without insurance and bring down the cost of health insurance across the board. Specifically, it will: Require everyone to have insurance by 2014. Create health insurance Exchanges for individuals and small businesses. Exchanges will help businesses and families compare dis-counted insurance […]
In an effort to derail the 2010-2011 Executive Budget proposal to reinstate prior approval of health insurance rate increases, and maintain profits, the insurance industry has embarked on a campaign to spread misinformation regarding prior approval. One of the arguments that has been circulated states that consumers in New York—particularly in upstate areas—reject the idea […]