Posted October 6, 2008 by Amanda
In 2006, Massachusetts enacted a major health reform law which has covered over 300,000 people as of 2008. Is the Massachusetts program a model for New York, or does it fall short?
Posted October 6, 2008 by Amanda
Many people with insurance are getting sick, only to find out that their insurance is not good enough. They are under-insured. While there is no set definition of underinsurance, most agree that it entails having health insurance that does not meet one‟s health needs and/or exceeds 10% of a family‟s pre-tax income. This often takes […]
Posted October 6, 2008 by Amanda
Thirteen percent of New York State residents are uninsured. They are less likely to receive needed care for serious or chronic medical conditions, resulting in personal and financial hardships for themselves, their families, and the communities they live in. Who is uninsured?
Posted October 6, 2008 by Amanda
Despite the general misconception that “women’s health” is solely synonymous with “reproductive health,” gender differences in health care are not limited to physical anatomy. In fact, while both women and men report their health status as “fair” or “poor” at similar rates, women are significantly more likely than men to report that they have a chronic condition that requires ongoing medical care, reported reliance on a […]