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Featured Resources

Coverage4All Myths

Posted May 25, 2023 by Amanda Dunker

In 2022, the FY 2023 budget deal resulted in a promise made by Governor Hochul’s Administration to seek federal funding through a 1332 Waiver to expand our Essential Plan program to all New York State residents, including immigrants who are undocumented. In a turnaround, the State’s final FY 2024 proposed budget excludes immigrants from the […]

Testimony on the 2021-2022 State Budget

Posted March 24, 2021 by Amanda Dunker

This testimony was submitted on February 25, 2021. Download a pdf below.   Health Care for All New York (HCFANY) would like to thank the chairs and members of the Assembly Ways and Means and the Senate Finance Committees for providing the public an opportunity to provide our comments on the state budget. HCFANY is […]

Urgent Health Actions For 2021

Posted January 27, 2021 by Amanda Dunker

Coverage Half of New Yorkers say that they cannot afford medical care even with insurance and another 5 percent of New Yorkers, 1 million people, have no coverage at all. New York should enact the New York Health Act (S3577a/A5248a) to cover everyone. RIGHT NOW: Pass S2549/A1585 to ensure that immigrants affected by COVID-19 have […]

Advocacy Resources

2019 Policy Agenda

Posted December 19, 2018 by Amanda Dunker

This document describes HCFANY’s policy priorities for 2019. New York has succeeded in cutting the number of uninsured people in half since 2010. Despite this remarkable feat, there are still 1.1 million uninsured New Yorkers. HCFANY’s 2019 policy agenda seeks to set New York on a path towards universal coverage including short-term solutions that can […]

Public Charge Comments

Posted December 11, 2018 by Amanda Dunker

HCFANY submitted the attached comments in response to the Trump Administration’s proposal to expand the definition of public charge. The expanded definition would assess people who are applying to enter or already live here and are applying for a green card. The assessment would include a forward-looking points system that predicts whether or not they […]

Comments: New State Regulations on Contraception in QHPs and Medicaid

Posted September 24, 2018 by Amanda Dunker

HCFANY submitted the attached comments in response to proposed regulations that were released by the New York State Department of Health (DOH, which regulates Medicaid) and the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS, which regulates qualified health plans). The proposed DOH rule would apply to Medicaid enrollees. It would make contraceptive prescriptions valid for […]

Comments Against Proposed Gag Rule

Posted July 31, 2018 by Amanda Dunker

These comments were submitted on July 31, 2018 in opposition to changes proposed by the Trump Administration to the Title X Family Planning Program. Title X provides vital sexual and reproductive health services to people across the country, including family planning services, cancer screenings, and wellness exams. The proposed rule would restrict information that medical […]