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Coverage4All Myths

Posted May 25, 2023 by Amanda Dunker

In 2022, the FY 2023 budget deal resulted in a promise made by Governor Hochul’s Administration to seek federal funding through a 1332 Waiver to expand our Essential Plan program to all New York State residents, including immigrants who are undocumented. In a turnaround, the State’s final FY 2024 proposed budget excludes immigrants from the […]

Testimony on the 2021-2022 State Budget

Posted March 24, 2021 by Amanda Dunker

This testimony was submitted on February 25, 2021. Download a pdf below.   Health Care for All New York (HCFANY) would like to thank the chairs and members of the Assembly Ways and Means and the Senate Finance Committees for providing the public an opportunity to provide our comments on the state budget. HCFANY is […]

Urgent Health Actions For 2021

Posted January 27, 2021 by Amanda Dunker

Coverage Half of New Yorkers say that they cannot afford medical care even with insurance and another 5 percent of New Yorkers, 1 million people, have no coverage at all. New York should enact the New York Health Act (S3577a/A5248a) to cover everyone. RIGHT NOW: Pass S2549/A1585 to ensure that immigrants affected by COVID-19 have […]

Advocacy Resources

Comments: HCFANY comments on HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2016

Posted December 23, 2014 by Amanda

The HHS Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2016 proposed rule would set parameters and standards for a wide variety of ACA related issues and programs: cost sharing parameters and cost-sharing reductions; the annual open enrollment period for the individual market for benefit years beginning on or after January 1, 2016; essential health benefits; qualified health […]

Comments: HCFANY and MMNY Comments to MACPAC

Posted December 23, 2014 by Amanda

On November 12, 2014, the Federal Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC) requested comments from stakeholders regarding the affordability and adequacy of Exchange/Marketplace coverage for children. HCFANY and Medicaid Matters New York (MMNY) submitted a letter promoting the comprehensive, quality coverage in the Children’s Health Insurance program (called Child Health Plus in New York), […]

Fact Sheet: Affordable Care Act–A Giant Step Forward for New Yorkers

Posted December 23, 2014 by Amanda

More than one million New Yorkers obtained coverage through NY State of Health (NYSOH), the new health insurance marketplace created under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), in its first year. The ACA also brings benefits to those who already have insurance: for example, preventive services are available without out-of-pocket costs and lifetime and annual limits are […]

Issue Brief: Health Reform in NY–Q&A

Posted November 23, 2014 by Amanda

This Q&A document, designed for advocates, provides responses to some of the persistent myths about the Affordable Care Act (ACA), with important facts about how the ACA is working for New Yorkers.