Posted December 7, 2008 by Amanda
In September 2007, Excellus BCBS submitted a proposal to reform the direct pay and small group insurance markets. The direct-pay market means insurance purchased directly by individuals for themselves and their families through an insurance carrier. HCFANY has reviewed Excellus’s proposal in relation to our 10 Standards for Quality, Affordable, Health Care for All. This proposal […]
Posted December 4, 2008 by Amanda
In December 2007, Assemblymember and Chair of the Assembly Committee on Health Richard Gottfried proposed the New York Health Plus proposal (NYHPlus) for health reform in New York State. This proposal would provide universal publicly-financed insurance coverage, achieved in the following way:
Posted December 4, 2008 by Amanda
Our current health care system is too often unworkable and unaffordable for our families, businesses or government. All of us–individuals, employers and policymakers–have a shared responsibility to reform our health care system. The HCFANY Campaign believes that the government has a unique obligation to guarantee affordable comprehensive health care for its people and that it […]
Posted October 6, 2008 by Amanda
In 2006, Massachusetts enacted a major health reform law which has covered over 300,000 people as of 2008. Is the Massachusetts program a model for New York, or does it fall short?