Posted January 30, 2013 by arianne
Posted January 30, 2013 by arianne
Racial and ethnic minorities, women, people with disabilities, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have specific health care needs and often receive poorer care and have worse health outcomes than others. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides a major opportunity for New York to address health disparities.
Posted January 30, 2013 by arianne
In 2014, roughly one million New Yorkers will gain health coverage through the state’s Health Benefit Exchange, the expansion of Medicaid, or, possibly, the Basic Health Plan. Yet, up to 1.8 million New Yorkers could remain uninsured. This includes low-wage workers who cannot afford to buy subsidized coverage on the Exchange and undocumented immigrants who […]
Posted January 25, 2013 by arianne
In April 2012, Governor Cuomo signed an Executive Order to establish a New York Health Benefit Exchange under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The State expects to enroll over 1 million New Yorkers in coverage through the Exchange, significantly lowering the number of New Yorkers without insurance. This enrollment goal is critical not only to […]