Tell New York’s Leaders to Protect People with Pre-Existing Conditions
Next week, a federal court in Texas will decide if the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and all of its protections for people with pre-existing conditions should stand. This isn’t a new activity for anyone who’s paid attention to the ACA since it passed. Opponents of the law have spent years trying to drag us backwards through court cases and repeal legislation. No matter how many times they fail they still haven’t gotten the message – the ACA makes life better for people. They don’t want to lose it!
However, there’s a big difference between this court case and the many preceding it, which is that the current Administration won’t defend the law. In fact, the Trump Administration is arguing FOR the people trying to get the ACA thrown out. That’s not normally how this works – the Executive Branch’s role is to execute and defend the law. Challengers are allowed to make their case against it, and the courts decide whose arguments are better. When we get a new Administration that wants to change the law, they can try to convince Congress to repeal it or pass a new law.
If the court agrees with the challengers next week, it would have a terrible effect on people’s ability to afford health care. A lot of legal scholars think this particular lawsuit is frivolous. They don’t believe the challengers’ arguments against the ACA will stand up in court, even with the government joining their efforts. They’re more worried that this signals a change in the role of the Executive Branch.
HCFANY is joining other organizations around the state to send letters to New York’s Congressional delegation saying enough is enough. The ACA is helping millions of New Yorkers, and there’s still plenty more work we could do to make health care more accessible. We have to stop wasting time on sabotaging a law that is working pretty well and instead work on improving it wherever we can.
If you’d like to add your name to the letters, you can click on the link to your District below. If you aren’t sure which is yours, type in your zip code at this link. The letters will be delivered on September 5.
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We’re still riding the high from last week’s Supreme Court decision to uphold the ACA. As we wrap up this Monday, we’re still getting photos and video in from the many events that HCFANY co-hosted around the state. What a great party!
The NYC rally was held in Foley Square in lower Manhattan and boasted an all-star lineup of speakers including Senator Tom Duane (pictured above), NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Assembly Member Richard Gottdfried, and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, to name just a few.
We also had regular folks like you and me come up and tell their stories of how the ACA has helped (or will help) them. Check out the video below of Adrew Telzak from Queens, telling his story of how he was able to keep his insurance thanks to the ACA:
The 90 degree heat did not deter a large crowd from gathering, nor did it keep the press from coming out in droves. Anybody watching the evening news would have seen clips of us speaking out in support of the Affordable Care Act. It was such a great time!
Check out more photos of this and other events at HCFANY’s Flickr page by clicking here.
It’s true! The decision was just handed down just a little bit ago. The verdict? The entire law is upheld – including the individual mandate!
It looks like there will only be one small change to the Medicaid expansion. The ACA had originally stated that states could expand Medicaid eligibility to people up to 133% of the Federal Poverty Level, and that the federal government would basically pick up the entire cost for it, but that if they didn’t expand they could risk losing their existing funds. The Supreme Court changed this so that states who don’t choose to expand their Medicaid eligibility won’t risk losing funding.
Overall, this is a HUGE win for Americans, and a HUGE win for New Yorkers! And who do we have to thank? Justice Roberts! Who miraculously took a big one for the team by siding with the left-leaning justices on this. That is one man who will be heavily toasted to (and cursed) by millions tonight.
So, what should we do with this information? Why, let’s celebrate of course!!! Join HCFANY around this great State of New York TODAY at a series of public events for folks to speak up and celebrate this big victory!!!
Albany: 3:00 PM at the Capital (State Street side). Contact Bob Cohen at or (518) 465-4600 x104 for more info.
Binghamton: 4:00 PM at the Federal Building, 15 Henry Street. Contact Mary Clark at or (607) 723-0110 for more info.
Buffalo: 3:00 PM in the lobby of Congressman Higgins’ office, 726 Exchange Street. Contact Natalie Luczkowiak at or (716) 855-1522 x2 for more info.
Cortland:5:00 PM at the U.S. Post Office, 88 Main Street. Contact Janet Steck at or (607) 749-7016 for more info.
New York City: New Location! 5:30 PM (assemble at 5:15 pm) in Foley Square in lower Manhattan, across from the Federal Courthouse at the African American Burial Ground Monument (Take 4, 5, 6, J, M, N, or R trains to City Hall-Brooklyn Bridge stations). Contact Mark Hannay at or (917) 318-5008 for more info.
Syracuse: 4:00 PM at the Federal Building, 100 Clinton Street. Contact Lanika Mabrey at or (315) 435-2480.
We hope to see you there!!!
Due to a last-minute change of plans (and a snafu with the permits) the location of HCFANY’s New York City rally to respond to the forthcoming Supreme Court ruling has been changed to Foley Square in lower Manhattan. All other locations remain the same.
It’s getting close! If you havent already, please be sure to check out the locations and times of the events scheduled around the state and plan to attend the one in your area. For now, it looks like all events will be taking placethis Thursday, 6/28.
Be there or be square!
June 28th HCFANY Statewide Events to Respond to the Supreme Court Ruling: Will the Supreme Court Affirm the Right to Health Care in America?
Featured speakers will include public officials, advocates, community and labor leaders, and everyday New Yorkers telling their own stories about what the Affordable Care Act means for them and their families.
Albany: 3:00 PM at the Capital (State Street side). Contact Bob Cohen at or (518) 465-4600 x104 for more info.
Binghamton: 4:00 PM at the Federal Building, 15 Henry Street. Contact Mary Clark at or (607) 723-0110 for more info.
Buffalo: 3:00 PM in the lobby of Congressman Higgins’ office, 726 Exchange Street. Contact Natalie Luczkowiak at or (716) 855-1522 x2 for more info.
Cortland:5:00 PM at the U.S. Post Office, 88 Main Street. Contact Janet Steck at or (607) 749-7016 for more info.
New York City: New Location! 5:30 PM (assemble at 5:15 pm) in Foley Square in lower Manhattan, across from the Federal Courthouse at the African American Burial Ground Monument (Take 4, 5, 6, J, M, N, or R trains to City Hall-Brooklyn Bridge stations). Contact Mark Hannay at or (917) 318-5008 for more info.
Syracuse: 4:00 PM at the Federal Building, 100 Clinton Street. Contact Lanika Mabrey at or (315) 435-2480.