Tell New York to Lower Insurance Premiums by June 28

Posted June, 3 2024 by Mia Wagner

New York’s individual market insurance carriers plan to increase premiums by an average of 17% in 2025. This month, consumers have the opportunity to weigh in to make our voices heard. The State already approved premium increases of over 14% on average in 2024, another 17% would make health insurance out of reach for many New Yorkers.

Depending on your carrier, premiums could increase between 9% and 51% in 2025, impacting New Yorkers’ ability to spend on necessities such as health care, groceries, and transportation. It is critical that consumer voices are heard to prevent health insurance from being even more unaffordable.

Make your voice heard: submit a public comment before June 28, 2024 sharing how steep premium increases would impact you and your loved ones. 

Tell the State how more expensive premiums would impact you by leaving a public comment here by Friday, June 28. Share a personal story on your healthcare needs and affordability concerns you have, or use the following sample for guidance: 

My plan, (insert carrier name), has asked for a (insert from table below) % premium increase. I already struggle to afford health insurance and that increase would require me to sacrifice ____.”