Individual Market Rates to Increase by an Average 9.7% in 2023

Posted August, 19 2022 by Amanda Dunker

New Yorkers who buy health insurance in the individual market will see premiums go up by an average of 9.7% in 2023. Health plans originally requested an average increase of 18.7%, but this was reduced by almost half through New York’s prior approval process. The table below shows the plan’s requests and the rates that were approved. (You can find our comments on each rate request here.)

Prior approval is an important tool—the reduction will save consumers an estimated $167.1 million. However, for consumers, a 9.7% rate increase is still too high. New York should do more to protect consumers from premium increases outside of the rate review process. For example, Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington State have Health Care Cost Containment task forces or agencies. California created an Office of Health Care Affordability in its most recent state budget.

Are you worried about affording health insurance? Most New Yorkers who buy their own health insurance receive subsidies to help pay their premiums. You can explore your options at the NY State of Health enrollment site. You can also get free help switching plans or enrolling in affordable health insurance through the Navigator program by calling 888-614-5400 or emailing

2023 Individual Market Rate Changes
PlanRequested IncreaseApproved IncreaseChange
Independent Health10.2%6.1%-4.1%
HealthPlus (previously Empire)6.9%0.5%-6.4%