New York State Health Advocates Spring Meeting Recap

Posted July, 10 2017 by Taylor Frazier

A few weeks ago, more than 70 members of HCFANY, Health Care for America Now-New York (HCAN), and Medicaid Matters New York (MMNY) from across the state gathered in Albany for the first joint New York State Health Advocates Spring Meeting. More than 50 consumers and advocates attended the press conference in front of the […]

BCRA Would Cost New York More Than 131,000 Jobs

Posted July, 7 2017 by Taylor Frazier

According to an updated analysis from the Commonwealth Fund and the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University, New York would lose 131,700 jobs by 2026 if the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) passed by the Senate last month became law. This represents 45,000 more jobs lost in New York State […]

Consumers Speak Out in NYC to Save Our Care

Posted June, 29 2017 by Taylor Frazier

Yesterday, hundreds of New Yorkers gathered in Foley Square in New York City for an emergency “Save Our Care Vigil.” HCFANY Steering Committee members Elisabeth Benjamin of the Community Service Society, Ben Anderson of the Children’s Defense Fund-New York, and Mark Hannay of Metro New York Health Care for All Campaign shared consumer stories and […]

The Senate’s “Better Care” Act is Worse than the House Bill

Posted June, 22 2017 by Amanda Dunker

The discussion draft released by the Senate today is almost certainly worse for the average person than the bill passed by the House in May. The Congressional Budget Office is working on its report, and that will give us a better sense of the numbers involved. But the draft gives enough detail to understand that […]