Read HCFANY’s 2025 Rate Review Comments 

Posted June, 27 2024 by Mia Wagner

New York’s individual market premiums might increase by up to 17 percent in 2025. New York’s twelve individual market carriers are requesting increases ranging from 9 percent by MVP to a shocking 51 percent by Emblem. These requested increases far surpass requests from carriers in other states. In our comments, HCFANY breaks down why DFS […]

Tell New York to Lower Insurance Premiums by June 28

Posted June, 3 2024 by Mia Wagner

New York’s individual market insurance carriers plan to increase premiums by an average of 17% in 2025. This month, consumers have the opportunity to weigh in to make our voices heard. The State already approved premium increases of over 14% on average in 2024, another 17% would make health insurance out of reach for many […]

Improving Affordability of Marketplace Plans: Key Wins from the 2025 NYSOH Plan Invitation

Posted May, 10 2024 by Mia Wagner

New York State of Health (NYSOH) has included several exciting new initiatives in its 2025 Plan Invitation. Though some of the initiatives are subject to federal approval, HCFANY is thrilled about the improvements to the quality and affordability of health insurance plans offered on the NYSOH marketplace. Here are some key wins for consumers:

HCFANY Notches Important Legislative Victories—and Two Major Defeats—in this Year’s Budget Deal.

Posted April, 22 2024 by admin

Health Care for All New York is delighted that the new budget deal includes key HCFANY legislative agenda items, including: the reform of our State’s broken Hospital Financial Assistance Law (HFAL); the elimination of cost-sharing for insulin; a program to provide enhanced subsidies to help offset the costs or premiums of cost-sharing in the Marketplace; and […]

Key Takeaways from New NYS Report on Maternal Mortality

Posted March, 25 2024 by Mia Wagner

The New York State Department of Health (DOH) Maternal Mortality Review Board has released a new report, providing a detailed review of maternal deaths across the state between 2018 and 2020. Here are the findings: Overall, the prevalence of maternal mortality in New York State remains below the national average; however, racial disparities in maternal […]

Action Alert: One-House Budgets Released

Posted March, 13 2024 by Mia Wagner

The One-House Budgets are released! The Senate One-House Budget includes a significant portion of the HCFANY policy agenda, building on the Governor’s proposals in the Executive Budget. We’re still studying what is included in each bill, here’s what we know so far: Good news: the Senate and Assembly One-House Budgets both: Even better, the Senate One-House Budget improves on […]

Testimony on Governor Hochul’s 2024-25 Budget Proposal

Posted January, 24 2024 by Mia Wagner

HCFANY is grateful to have had the opportunity to testify at the 2024 Joint Legislative Budget Hearing on Health. Our detailed written comments are linked here. The Executive Budget includes many positive proposals that will help protect consumers from medical debt and enhance their ability to access affordable health coverage, including: In addition to addressing these […]

HCFANY Applauds Governor Hochul for 2024 State of the State Proposals

Posted January, 9 2024 by Mia Wagner

Today, Governor Hochul delivered her 2024 ‘State of the State’ address. HCFANY commends the governor for proposing sweeping protections for consumers and patients across the state. HCFANY advocacy goals are prominently featured among the governor’s proposals, including: Medical Debt HCFANY commends the governor for her continued commitment to protecting the over 700,000 New Yorkers that […]

Individual Market Rates to Increase by an Average 12.4 Percent in 2024

Posted September, 12 2023 by Mia Wagner

New Yorkers bracing for health insurance premiums in the individual market are in for some unwelcome news as we look ahead to 2024. According to the latest data, individual market rates are set to surge by an average of 12.4 percent next year. Health plans had initially requested a whopping 22.1 percent average rate hike […]

Legislative Session Recap

Posted July, 13 2023 by Mia Wagner

HCFANY worked hard to further a series of important priorities during this year’s budget and legislative session. Read below for a review of what consumers won this legislative session and what remains a priority on the HCFANY policy agenda. Medical Debt Over 54,000 New Yorkers were sued by hospitals between 2015 and 2020, and nearly […]

Read HCFANY’s 2024 Rate Review Comments 

Posted July, 5 2023 by Mia Wagner

New York’s individual market premiums might increase by up to 20.4 percent in 2024. New York’s twelve individual market carriers are requesting increases ranging from 13.3 percent by MVP to a shocking 52.8 percent by Emblem. These requested increases far surpass requests from carriers in other states. Carriers in Washington and Michigan are proposing increases […]

“Most Progressive State” Budget Fails on Health Care

Posted January, 17 2019 by Amanda Dunker

The proposed executive budget is shockingly silent on health coverage: -Health insurance for immigrants left behind by the ACA:  $0 -State premium assistance for people who can’t afford coverage:  $0 -Funding to stabilize the high costs of NY’s individual market: $0. Instead, the people get a “commission” of so-called experts. What can a commission tell […]

A Big Day for Immigrant Coverage!

Posted January, 9 2019 by Amanda Dunker

Yesterday we steeled ourselves for another low point in President Trump’s relentless campaign against immigrants. But some great stuff happened for immigrants too! First, California’s new governor, Gavin Newsom, announced that his budget will include public health insurance for low-income, undocumented young adults. New York and California have both done a lot over the years […]

As Hospitals Consolidate, Health Consumers Must Have a Voice

Posted July, 9 2018 by Taylor Frazier

Guest post by Lois Uttley and Emma Chessen. Remember St. Vincent’s Hospital in Manhattan, now the site of luxury condos? How about Millard Fillmore Gates Hospital, now an assisted living facility? Or Cornwall Hospital, which was gradually dismantled as an inpatient facility and replaced with outpatient care? Perhaps you were a patient of Amsterdam Memorial […]

Rate Review Comments Due Sunday – Check Out Ours!

Posted June, 28 2018 by Amanda Dunker

In a recent blog post, we explained how New Yorkers can comment on the rates their insurers have requested for 2019. You can read that blog post here. The deadline for submitting comments is Sunday, July 1 so there isn’t very much time left. Comments can be submitted electronically here. And you can find our […]