Health Insurance is not a Laughing Matter…Or is it?

Posted March, 11 2014 by Amanda

http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/18e820ec3f/between-two-ferns-with-zach-galifianakis-president-barack-obama Much of the ACA enrollment outreach to young adult “invincibles” has been on the lighter side. Take, for example, the recent Valentine’s Day campaign around national youth enrollment day that featured various celebrities making quips about love and insurance (see the ad featuring Amy Poehler in our February post).  And, months back, we highlighted Colorado’s […]

New Toolkit Available: Former Foster Care Youth and the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Posted February, 26 2014 by Amanda

Guest Post by Lauren Tobias, Director of Policy for Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) children may stay on their parent’s health insurance until age 26. But, youth who age out of the foster care system may not have that option. Luckily, the ACA allows former foster care youth […]

We are Young…and Insured!

Posted February, 13 2014 by Amanda

This Saturday is National Youth Enrollment Day, a day of action to educate young adults on the importance of having health insurance. Celebrities like Amy Poehler (above), are helping to get the word out and the Young Invincibles campaign is encouraging people to share the message to friends and networks. Young adults between 19 and […]

ACA Improves Coverage of Behavioral Health Services for Children and Youth

Posted February, 10 2014 by Amanda

One of the greatest health care disparities facing children in New York concerns access to behavioral health services. One in five US children experience a diagnosable mental health disorder, but just 21% of those children are receiving any form of treatment. This is far below typical levels for physical health conditions. The Affordable Care Act […]