By Claudia Calhoon, MPH, Director of Health Advocacy, New York Immigration Coalition; Laura F. Redman, Director, Health Justice Program, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest; and Sarika Saxena, Staff Attorney, Health Justice Program, New York Lawyers for the Public Interest The release of the 2015 Open Enrollment report from the New York State […]
By Andrew Leonard, Sr. Policy Associate for Health, Housing and Income Security, Children’s Defense Fund – NY The release of the 2015 New York State of Health (NYSOH) Open Enrollment Report confirms that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is working for children and families across New York. As the State continues to move ahead with […]
By Bob Cohen, Esq., Policy Director of Citizen Action of New York and the Public Policy and Education Fund As we discussed in the first blog post of this series, 2.1 million New Yorkers have enrolled in health coverage through the NY State of Health Marketplace (NYSOH) as of the end of the marketplace’s […]
Over 2.1 million New Yorkers have enrolled in quality coverage since the New York State of Health marketplace’s launch in 2013! Yesterday the New York State of Health released its report on the second open enrollment period, which ran November 15, 2014 through February 28, 2015. HCFANY is excited to dive into the numbers over […]