We’ve been telling you for months, heck – years – that health insurance will cost less on the health insurance exchange. But, exact numbers? Well, that’s hard to say. We know there will be premium subsidies (tax credits), but it will depend on a lot of different factors: what your income is, where you live, what plan you choose, etc. In fact, […]
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a series of state-based reports today on how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been faring so far in the 50 states. Specifically, the reports highlight the numbers associated with the new coverage options, health savings, and federal funding. One interesting set of numbers I had […]
Last week, Healthcare.gov relaunched its website with a new look and a new focus on providing information related to eligibility and enrollment in the new state health benefit exchanges (or “marketplaces”). The site now allows you to put in basic information about yourself to find out what types of health insurance programs or savings you […]
Today’s post comes from guest blogger Lois Uttley, of Raising Women’s Voices “Do you know somebody who needs health insurance?” That was the conversation starter at the Health Care for All New York booth Sunday at the annual Mamapalooza festival in South Riverside Park, along Manhattan’s Hudson River waterfront. “Yes, me!” was often the answer […]