Consumer Assistance Programs Help New Yorkers Use Their Health Insurance Once They Have It

Posted March, 27 2014 by Amanda

Kevin Dwyer, client of Community Health Advocates A couple of weeks ago, we posted about enrollment hitting half a million New Yorkers on NY State of Health. We’re now at over 700,000 New Yorkers according to this week’s press release, 70% of whom were previously uninsured. Nearly one quarter of enrollees are signing up for […]

Advocates Gather in Albany for Final Budget Push

Posted March, 25 2014 by Amanda

  HCFANY steering committee members Mark Hannay of Metro New York Health Care for All Campaign and Heidi Sigfried of New Yorkers for Accessible Health Coverage “speak-out” to stop surprise medical bills by sharing consumer stories Yesterday, HCFANY members joined advocates from Medicaid Matters New York and New Yorkers for Accessible Health Coverage to make […]

What’s the Story on the Assembly & Senate Budget Proposals?

Posted March, 14 2014 by Amanda

It’s been a busy week where the New York State budget is concerned, as the Assembly and Senate worked hard to release their respective budget proposals. We’ve been monitoring this process closely to see if HCFANY’s budget priorities – Basic Health Program, out-of-network billing protections, and funding for consumer assistance – made the safe transition […]

Advocates, organizations, and consumers join forces in Albany

Posted March, 4 2014 by Amanda

Photo: Advocates and consumers at HCFANY’s press conference about how the Governor’s budget would make coverage more affordable, stop surprise bills, and support consumer assistance programs. From left: Gladys Puglla, consumer; Mark Scherzer, New Yorkers for Accessible Health Coverage; Elisabeth Benjamin, Community Service Society; Lara Kassel, Medicaid Matters New York; Bob Cohen, Citizen Action of […]