Talkin’ bout insurance rates

Posted August, 19 2014 by Amanda

The New York State Department of Financial Services is currently reviewing insurance companies’ rates for the coming year, 2015. Overall this year, 11 insurers asked for rate increases and four asked for decreases. You can read insurer rate applications here. Members of the public have the chance to comment on the rates. HCFANY recently submitted seven […]

Now is your chance to oppose health plan premium rate hikes!

Posted July, 22 2014 by Amanda

Guest post: Sarah Fishman, Intern at Raising Women’s Voices – New York Have you recently received a letter from your health insurance company about a rate increase for next year? Don’t panic! This is only a proposed rate increase that must be reviewed by state officials, and you have the right to weigh in on […]

Getting ready for rate review

Posted July, 3 2014 by Amanda

Guest post by Kyle Brittingham, Director of Small Business Assistance Program, Community Service Society of New York Yesterday the Department of Financial Services posted insurance rate applications on their website. These are applications that insurers submit to request a change in their rates as part of New York’s rate review or “prior approval” process. What […]

A Westchester Family Gets Covered

Posted April, 18 2014 by Amanda

The first open enrollment period for NY State of Health has come to a close, and as of April 16, 960,762 New Yorkers were able to get health care plans through the state marketplace. That means there are nearly one million stories of New Yorkers getting affordable, quality health coverage because of the NY State […]