Get Covered New York volunteer Engracia Jamieson Guest post by Maryanne Tomazic, Raising Women’s Voices – New York (RWV-NY) We’re in the final week of 2014 open enrollment, and people across the State are working around-the-clock to make sure those who still need affordable, quality health insurance have a chance to apply through NY State […]
It’s been a busy week where the New York State budget is concerned, as the Assembly and Senate worked hard to release their respective budget proposals. We’ve been monitoring this process closely to see if HCFANY’s budget priorities – Basic Health Program, out-of-network billing protections, and funding for consumer assistance – made the safe transition […] Much of the ACA enrollment outreach to young adult “invincibles” has been on the lighter side. Take, for example, the recent Valentine’s Day campaign around national youth enrollment day that featured various celebrities making quips about love and insurance (see the ad featuring Amy Poehler in our February post). And, months back, we highlighted Colorado’s […]
Last week, we got great news from NY State of Health. As of February 25, over half a million New Yorkers had enrolled in insurance plans through NY State of Health. To put that in perspective, New York’s three year goal is to enroll 1 million New Yorkers in health plans. So, we’re already over […]