It’s getting to be that time of the year again, and we all dread to hear those three little words…”You’re being audited.” [cue scary Psycho knife sound] Thankfully, it’s not consumers who have to worry this time – its our health insurers. The Department of Financial Services (DOFS) announced today that it will soon start performing random audits […]
It seems like for a while there all the talk was about the so-called “young invincibles” – a free-wheeling breed of thrill-seeking young adults who have no desire for comprehensive health insurance, but rather prefer more risky alternatives such as health savings accounts or a pack of Hello Kitty band-aids and some strong whiskey. And yes, young adults below the age […]
Our health care system is not perfect, that’s true. There are many changes we would like to see, some of which we may not ever get in our lifetimes. But, there are a lot of good things about our health care system too. On a day like today, when we’re all sitting down to our delicious free-range heritage breed […]
HCFANY has just received word that Aetna, EmblemHealth, HealthNow, Empire HealthChoice, and Excellus Health Plan have all agreed to release their rate increase support documentation public! This follows the recent decision by UnitedHealthcare – New York’s largest health insurer, agreement to disclose its own information earlier this week. Kudos to Ben Lawsky and the rest of the fine […]