Call today and tell Congress to vote NO on H.R.2!

Posted January, 19 2011 by arianne

Congress is set to vote TODAY on H.R. 2, a bill to completely repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA).   For HCFANY and fellow advocates across the state and country, this means it is once again time to stand up and SPEAK UP!

We can not afford to go backwards on health reform.  Too many New Yorkers need the patient protections that limit their out-of-pocket costs when they get sick and prevent them from going broke and into debt due to medical costs.  Too many New Yorkers need the opportunities for affordable care that the ACA.

Call 1-888-876-6242 and tell Congress to vote NO on H.R. 2.

Please  encourage your networks to do the same. Together, we can make our voices heard! Everyone deserves quality, affordable health care. We will not stand by and let these crucial protections be taken away from us!