The ACA is Working: Bernard Tschumi Architects’ Story

Bernard Tschumi Architects, Manhattan, NY

Posted December, 10 2014 by Amanda

For more stories about how the ACA is helping New Yorkers get covered, see our full booklet: The ACA is Working: New Yorkers Tell Their Stories of Getting Covered

Benard Tschumi_Manhattan
Before the ACA
, Benard Tschumi Architects struggled to provide affordable health insurance options for its employees under mounting costs.
Now, employees can choose a plan that meets their needs, while the company and its staff save thousands a year.





Benard Tschumi Architects had been offering health insurance to employees of its small firm for over 20 years, but each year it was becoming less affordable for everyone. The firm eventually capped the amount employees would owe for their premiums, but costs continued to rise with no end in sight. “At that point, I began to think…maybe [the ACA] would make it affordable for our employees to get the health care they needed,” said Kate Linker, Human Resources Director for the company. Kate got help from a Navigator at the Community Service Society to sign up through the Small Business Marketplace. The new insurance option is saving the firm nearly $30,000 a year, while putting almost $1,200 annually back into the pockets of its employees. Better yet, each employee can select the specific plan that best suits their needs.

“We’re saving $30,000 a year by doing something that is so much better for everyone.”

Special thanks to the Community Service Society for contributing this story!

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