We won! Now what’s it all mean?

Posted June, 29 2012 by arianne

Yesterday, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling, hundreds of New Yorkers celebrated in the streets at rallies in New York City, Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Cortland and Syracuse.

But now it’s the morning after, many of us are wondering what’s it all mean.  So here’s the low down for New Yorkers and New York State.

For Consumers:

  • 160,000 young adults under 26 will stay on their parent’s health plans, and more can join.
  • 3,400 New Yorkers with pre-existing conditions will get to keep their NY Bridge Plan insurance
  • New Yorkers with job-based coverage will keep their consumer protections (free preventive care, no pre-existing condition discrimination for kids now, for adults come 2014, no annual or life-time caps, and other great rules on how much plans must spend on care instead of admin and profits)
  • Coverage for uninsured New Yorkers—in 2014, the 2.7 million New Yorkers will have access to quality, affordable coverage through New York’s Health Insurance Exchange.
  • Free consumer assistance is available now, call Community Health Advocates at:  888-614-5400 or visit on-line at www.communityhealthadvocates.org to find a local group near you.

For Small Businesses:

  • Tax credits for small businesses—280,000 are eligible for tax credits in New York alone (tax credits are up to 35% now, and up to 50% in 2014)
  • Free small business assistance is available now through the Small Business Assistance Program, call:  212-614-4481 or go to www.communityhealthadvocates.org to find a local group near you.

For New York State:

  • Nearly $100 million in federal funding already has been awarded to the State to help set up its Health Insurance Exchange for Small Businesses and individuals and families.
  • In 2014, 1.1 million New Yorkers will be able to get $2.4 billion in federal tax subsidies (that’s a tax cut, not hike, by the way!) through the Exchange
  • In 2014, New York will get $2.3 billion in federal Medicaid funds to reimburse us for already offering public health insurance coverage to nearly 900,000 New Yorkers
  • That’s $4.7 billion in federal funding coming IN to New York, or $1,678 for every uninsured New Yorker.

Change is coming:  Let’s work closely with Governor Cuomo and the legislature to bring the fruits of the ACA home!