Prior approval law saves New Yorkers $500 million

Posted January, 7 2013 by arianne

A press release issued by Governor Cuomo’s office yesterday announced that New Yorkers will save over $500 million on health insurance premiums this year thanks to the Department of Financial Services’ (DFS) utilization of the State’s prior approval law.  As you may remember, New York’s 2010 prior approval law allows DFS officials to review insurance […]

Register Today for the HCFANY Annual Meeting!

Posted January, 4 2013 by arianne

Yes, it’s a a new year and that means its time for the HCFANY annual meeting! Join us on January 17, 2013 in Albany to celebrate our success over the past year and strategize how, together, we can work with New York State to develop a Health Insurance Exchange that will achieve our long-term goal of quality, […]

The ACA and the Fiscal Cliff

Posted January, 2 2013 by arianne

Anyone not following the fiscal cliff negotiations in Congress will be happy to know that a last-minute deal was struck yesterday to avert a series of impending tax-hikes.  However, in order to get this deal passed, legislators also included several health policy changes.  These include cutting future funds for CO-OP health plans under the ACA, a “doc fix” to stabilize Medicare payments […]

Day of ACAtion!

Posted December, 18 2012 by arianne

On June 15, 2012 President Obama announced the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, potentially changing the lives over one million young immigrants. These are the young people that would have benefited from the DREAM Act. So far, with over 350,000 individuals having applied for DACA, the program has been a huge success. As […]