Medicaid Redesign Team in Full Swing

Posted January, 25 2011 by arianne

 The New York State Medicaid Redesign Team, created by Governor Cuomo to conduct a comprehensive examination of New York’s Medicaid system, is now in full force with a series of public hearings currently being held around the state.  The topic of the day will be how to reduce inefficiencies and waste in the Medicaid system while […]

New Report Calls for a Pro-Consumer Health System

Posted January, 20 2011 by arianne

HCFANY member-organization Citizen Action of New York released a new report today which outlines how state implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) can be used to establish a “pro-consumer” health system.   Written by the Public Policy and Education Fund of New York, the report makes numerous recommendations for  implementing the ACA here in New York, focusing on five major areas: […]

Call today and tell Congress to vote NO on H.R.2!

Posted January, 19 2011 by arianne

Congress is set to vote TODAY on H.R. 2, a bill to completely repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA).   For HCFANY and fellow advocates across the state and country, this means it is once again time to stand up and SPEAK UP! We can not afford to go backwards on health reform.  Too many New Yorkers […]

Clearing the air

Posted January, 10 2011 by arianne

As many of you know by now, the tragic events of this past weekend have caused Congress to postpone its vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  HCFANY’s action alert on the matter has also also been put on hold pending reschedulement of the vote. This brief pause offers us a moment to reflect on the […]