New York's Executive Budget

Posted January, 26 2010 by arianne

On January 19 Governor Paterson released the Executive Budget, with cuts/saving in the health area totaling $1.9 billion. Medicaid Matters of NY has provided an overview–Read it here. The Children’s Defense Fund of New York–a HCFANY member–has done an analysis of the how the budget affects children: Click here to read the the summary of […]

Let's Get It Done!

Posted January, 25 2010 by arianne

New Yorkers know there is too much at state to let health care reform pass us by: In the past year, one in three New Yorkers say they, or someone in their family, has not received or postponed medical care or filled a prescription because of lack of money or insurance. Between 1999 and 2008, […]

We Must Keep Going & Finish Reform Right!

Posted January, 20 2010 by arianne

The election of Scott Brown was not a referendum on health care reform.  When it comes to the need to make good health care affordable, nothing is different today than it was yesterday. We need health care reform to ensure that the 47 million uninsured Americans–2.2  million adults in New York–have access to quality, affordable […]

HCFANY's Health Reform Priorities

Posted January, 19 2010 by arianne

As Congress finalizes its health reform bill, HCFANY is highlighting priority areas to achieve affordable, comprehensive health care for all. HCFANY’s priorities: 1.  Affordability For health reform to be effective, it must be affordable.  HCFANY urges Congress to accept the House affordability schedule for people below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)–$27,465 for a […]