New CSS Statewide Survey Finds New Yorkers Desperate for Affordable Health Options: Officials Need to Act Now!

Posted September, 25 2009 by arianne

A new survey released today by the Community Service Society (CSS) and Lake Research Partners examines New Yorkers’ views from four different regions of the State about health care costs and whether proposed health reform bills circulating in Washington will be affordable. Key discoveries from the survey include: New Yorkers were willing to pay an […]

As Senate Floor Debate Nears, Baucus Improves Affordability Measures in Health Bill

Posted September, 23 2009 by arianne

In a welcome move, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Montana) modified the Chairman’s Mark of the America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009 to improve affordability. Changes include NY Senator Charles Schumer’s amendment subsidizing insurance premiums that exceed 12% of income for individuals earning $32,490 to $43,320. Twelve percent is still more than American families […]

New England Journal of Medicine Survey Indicates Physicians Support Health Reform, Including a Public Plan

Posted September, 16 2009 by arianne

A  survey conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine found that the majority (63%) of U.S. physicians support using both public and private insurance options to expand health coverage.  The survey also found that 62% of American Medical Association (AMA) members support a public option—which is consistent with the AMA’s statement of support for the House reform […]