ACTION ALERT: Health Vote Could Happen TOMORROW

Posted April, 27 2017 by Amanda Dunker

Yesterday, an important group of Republicans endorsed a new version of the American Health Care Act. This makes it much more likely to pass. A vote could happen on this bill tomorrow or Saturday – New York’s members MUST hear from you today!  CALL 1-844-898-1199 AND DEMAND THAT CONGRESS BLOCK THIS DEVASTATING BILL. The original bill would […]

New Report Shows Eliminating CSRs Would Increase Federal Costs

Posted April, 25 2017 by Taylor Frazier

According to a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation, eliminating cost sharing reductions (CSRs), or subsidies that lower the out-of-pocket costs for moderate-income consumers, would increase overall costs to federal government instead of saving money. Nationally, CSRs are worth approximately $7 billion annually and reduce out-of-pocket costs for moderate income consumers by $3,350 to […]

New York Protects Contraceptive Coverage Without Co-pays

Posted April, 20 2017 by Taylor Frazier

Guest blog by Lois Uttley, MPP, Director, Raising Women’s Voices-NY. More than 55 million women across the United States have gained contraceptive coverage without co-pays as part of their health insurance policies, because of the Women’s Preventive Services Amendment to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This coverage benefit, which applies to most employer-sponsored insurance as […]

CMS Final Rule Would Increase Costs for Moderate-Income Families and Reduce Open Enrollment

Posted April, 14 2017 by Taylor Frazier

Follow up from blog posted February 21, 2017 Yesterday afternoon, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule claiming to stabilize the Affordable Care Act insurance markets. In fact, it does just the opposite. HCFANY and thousands of other consumer and provider groups submitted comments in opposition to the proposed version […]