The final word from Albany: NY State’s 2015-2016 Enacted Budget

Posted April, 7 2015 by Amanda

NYS legislators approved the 2015-2016 State Enacted Budget in the wee hours of April Fool’s Day last week (no joke). As always, HCFANY groups had worked hard to promote strong health insurance provisions. Here’s where things landed when it comes to key consumer health care priorities: Consumer Assistance Funding: The final budget contains $3 million […]

Spring has sprung for surprise bills protections

Posted April, 1 2015 by Amanda

Today is the day that New York’s new surprise bills protection law went into effect! The new Emergency Medical Services and Surprise Bills Law will hold New Yorkers harmless from medical bills that result from the unexpected use of “out-of-network” providers. HCFANY worked closely with consumer groups, including Consumers Union, American Cancer Society and AARP, and New York’s Department of Financial Services […]

Numbers, numbers! Initial Takeaways from the Second Open Enrollment Period

Posted March, 26 2015 by Amanda

Guest Post: Andrea Shang, Health Policy Intern, Community Service Society of New York The second open enrollment period for New York’s health plan marketplace, NY State of Health, took place from November 15, 2014 to February 15, 2015. The Department of Health and Human Services has released data on this season’s enrollees across all 50 […]

A chance to extend CHIP

Posted March, 24 2015 by Amanda

Jeremy is one of the 275,000 New York kids who can access quality health care because of Child Health Plus. Two weeks ago, we blogged about the status of funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which expires in September of this year. The federal Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides the majority of funding […]