Talkin’ bout insurance rates

Posted August, 19 2014 by Amanda

The New York State Department of Financial Services is currently reviewing insurance companies’ rates for the coming year, 2015. Overall this year, 11 insurers asked for rate increases and four asked for decreases. You can read insurer rate applications here. Members of the public have the chance to comment on the rates. HCFANY recently submitted seven […]

Who got covered…and why?

Posted August, 18 2014 by Amanda

Guest post by Jessie Kavanagh, Master’s Student in Public Health, Hunter College         People with more knowledge about the ACA and health insurance were more likely to enroll in the Marketplaces, according to a new Enroll America survey.  The July 2014 report, “Voices from the Newly Enrolled and Still Uninsured,” produced by Enroll America […]

A penny for State Governors’ thoughts…

Posted August, 1 2014 by Amanda

Earlier this week, a bipartisan group of House and Senate committee leaders sent a letter to Governors of all 50 states to get their take on the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). CHIP provides low-cost, tailored health insurance to children through state-run programs. (New York’s program is called Child Health Plus). Federal funding for CHIP will expire at […]

A rumble in the courts

Posted July, 28 2014 by Amanda

Guest post: Jessie Kavanagh, Health Policy Intern at Community Service Society of New York Last week, a 3-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled 2-1 that states using the federally-facilitated marketplace (healthcare.gov) cannot offer government subsidies to their residents. The same day, a 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals […]