Women and Health Care: New Survey Results

Posted May, 30 2014 by Amanda

Guest post from Maryanne Tomazic, Raising Women’s Voices New survey data released this month by the Kaiser Family Foundation includes many important findings on women and health care. The national survey of 3,105 women took place in late 2013, before the end of the first open enrollment period of the new health insurance marketplaces. It […]

Making sense of the DSRIP

Posted May, 21 2014 by Amanda

In health care and public health, there are so many acronyms it can sometimes feel like speaking in code. Lately, in New York, we’ve been hearing an awful lot of one in particular – DSRIP (\dis – rip\). What is this mysterious DSRIP? Recently, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved New York State’s […]

Talking kids’ coverage: New report compares children’s health program benefits in the U.S.

Posted May, 9 2014 by Amanda

This week, National Academy for State Health Policy and Georgetown University’s Center for Children & Families released a joint report analyzing Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage in 42 separate programs in 38 states. For the past 17 years, CHIP has given states federal funds to operate public health insurance programs designed for children. New […]

Swing into Spring with our Children, Youth & Families Task Force

Posted May, 6 2014 by Amanda

It’s that time of year again – time for statewide advocates for the health of children, youth and families to gather in Albany for HCFANY’s Children, Youth & Families Task Force Spring Meeting. There is a full day planned to hear important policy updates and the health care implications of New York’s 2014-2015 budget, share resources, […]