Do YOU understand the new coverage choices under the ACA?

Posted February, 25 2013 by arianne

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more than 1 million uninsured  New Yorkers will newly have access to affordable health insurance options starting this fall.  That’s a lot of folks who will need to wade through a lot of new information in the coming months. HCFANY will be holding a briefing in New York City on […]

NYS report out on reducing health disparities through the Exchange

Posted February, 22 2013 by arianne

This week, the State-sponsored report on how to reduce health disparities through the New York Health Benefit was released, outlining a myriad of recommendations culled from a stakeholder meeting held back in September. These recommendations track three core themes discussed at the stakeholder meeting: 1) consumer assistance, 2) network adequacy, and 3) data collection.  Recommendations […]

I checked…and I’m covered with no co-pays!

Posted February, 14 2013 by arianne

    RWV’s New York intern, Nina Nnamani, shares what she learned about how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has improved her health insurance coverage. As a woman in her early 20s, I am among those who benefit most from the health care law. I am in my first year of graduate school and have […]

Don’t leave New York’s low-income families out in the cold!

Posted February, 12 2013 by arianne

The Governor’s proposed 2013-2014 Executive Budget aims to get rid of New York’s Family Health Plus (FHP) program by closing off enrollment by the end of this year.  Enrollees who earn below 138% of FPL (about $26,000 per year for a family of three) will get the current Medicaid benefit (with the exception of long-term care).  Parents up to […]