Yesterday, the NYS Exchange hosted a webinar briefing for members of the State’s Regional Advisory Committees. The webinar provides an update and timeline on the forthcoming health plan invitations to participate in the Exchange, and the Navigator program. The presentation also includes a draft of the standard plan designs that will be offered on the […]
Just a short post today to remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – a man with a gift for capturing the human spirit and inciting action through his words. And, as we continue our work in the coming year to achieve quality, affordable health care for ALL New Yorkers, let us keep in mind the […]
Kudos to everyone able to make the trek up to Albany yesterday during the depths of a particularly nasty flu season – we actually had a great turnout! Fellow HCFANY-ers and guests got a chance to go over and discuss our advocacy agenda for this yeat, which centers around implementation of consumer-friendly Exchange and strategies to fill in the gaps […]
A lot of folks think that 2014 is when the Affordable Care Act will really kick into effect, and yes, that is when the health insurance Exchanges will become fully operational. And yes, those are a big part of the ACA. But, they’re not the whole thing! Many great things have already happened in the […]