Don’t forget – Come speak out in response to the Court ruling!

Posted June, 22 2012 by arianne

HCFANY is planning events around the state to take place on the day the Supreme Court’s ACA ruling is issued.  Please check our list of events below and plan to attend one in your area.  All events will take place on the day the ruling is issued – currently TBD.  We hope to see you […]

Your ACA Money-Back Guarantee

Posted June, 21 2012 by arianne

This summer, insurance companies are sending money back, thanks to the ACA’s “medical loss ratio” rule. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced today that insurance companies will be sending out $1.1 billion in rebates to 12.8 million consumers around the country. In New York, over 1 million consumers will receive more than […]

I am broke, and therefore…invincible?

Posted June, 20 2012 by arianne

The whole argument that young people don’t buy insurance because they don’t think they need it (i.e. the “young invincibles” stereotype) has bugged me for some time. Having somewhat recently emerged from the 19 -29 age bracket, I can say firsthand that it never occurred to me at any point during my free-wheeling years that I […]

The Supreme Court is set to issue a ruling soon…where will YOU be?

Posted June, 18 2012 by arianne

The Supreme Court is set to issue its ruling on the Affordable Care Act sometime within the next two weeks. The Court can either decide to keep the law as is, striked down only some parts of the law, scrap the whole thing altogether, or simply decide that it’s too soon to make a decision […]