I am broke, and therefore…invincible?

Posted June, 20 2012 by arianne

The whole argument that young people don’t buy insurance because they don’t think they need it (i.e. the “young invincibles” stereotype) has bugged me for some time. Having somewhat recently emerged from the 19 -29 age bracket, I can say firsthand that it never occurred to me at any point during my free-wheeling years that I […]

The Supreme Court is set to issue a ruling soon…where will YOU be?

Posted June, 18 2012 by arianne

The Supreme Court is set to issue its ruling on the Affordable Care Act sometime within the next two weeks. The Court can either decide to keep the law as is, striked down only some parts of the law, scrap the whole thing altogether, or simply decide that it’s too soon to make a decision […]

Health reform law gets approval from Main Street

Posted June, 14 2012 by arianne

With the Supreme Court ruling on the ACA now just around the corner, the Small Business Majority has released the results of a new poll that asked New York’s small business owners just what they think about all of this. They found that the majority of small business owners in New York – 59% – want […]

For the sports fan and/or policy nerd in all of us

Posted June, 12 2012 by arianne

Just in time for the home strech of the impending Supreme Court  decision on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), there’s a new toy for us to play with! Mike Leavitt of Leavitt Partners (yes, the same former Governor of Utah, HHS secretary, and recent addition to Mitt Romney’s transition team) has put together a nifty […]