Gather ’round the computer now, it’s time to learn!

Posted May, 2 2012 by arianne

So what is the deal with this Executive Order that Governor Cuomo passed last month? Is it good? Bad? Decent? I know all of you are starting to wonder about it. Thankfully, we here at HCFANY are on top of it! We’re hosting a webinar this Friday, May 4th from 12:00 Noon – 1:00 PM, […]

Just when you thought it was safe to go to the ER…

Posted May, 1 2012 by arianne

Debt collectors! In the hospital! Posing as normal people – like you and me! In case you missed it, the NY Times broke a story last week out of Minnesota about a practice that is becoming more and more common around the country: Hospitals that are embedding debt collectors as employees to try and get patients to […]

Employer-sponsored insurance still on the decline

Posted April, 27 2012 by arianne

A new report put out by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) looks at national trends in employer-sponsored benefits between 1997 and 2010.  Not surprisingly, what they are finding looks pretty darn grim.  During that time: The percentage of workers who are offered health insurance benefits by their employers has declined from 70.1% to 67.5%, and the number […]

Use your brain!

Posted April, 25 2012 by arianne

Got 5 minutes to kill? Or, maybe you are super busy but need to cleanse the ol’ mental palate? Well, the Kaiser Family Foundation just put out a nifty little quiz to test your knowledge on the uninsured.  Why not give it a try? It’s short – 10 questions – but some of them are a little […]