Sebelius breaks it down on the Daily Show

Posted January, 27 2012 by arianne

Did anybody watch this? On Monday, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius made a guest appearance on the Daily Show to talk about the Affordable Care Act. She does a pretty good job of hashing out what’s in the law and what’s not, and Jon Stewart is, as always, just charming. In case you […]

TV for your health

Posted January, 26 2012 by arianne

PBS Newshour had a great little segment last night on a project out of Colorodo aimed at improving health among the Latino population.  This is done by delivering public health messages via telenovelas. For those of you who may not have grown up watching Univision or Telemundo, telenovelas are basically like soap operas, but way better.  They have […]

Fell asleep early last night?

Posted January, 25 2012 by arianne

I’m sure all of you are busy celebrating your State of the Union bingo victories from last night, but anybody who missed last night’s address by President Obama can easily fill themselves in today. You can watch a video of the entire address above, or read the full text by clicking here (via Bloomberg). Noticeably absent from the president’s speech […]

Good times.

Posted January, 24 2012 by arianne

From left: Lorraine Gonzalez, Children’s Defense Fund of NY, Kevin Keogh, Small Business Majority, Jennifer Torres, New York Immigration Coalition, Becca Talzek, Make the Road NY, Heidi Siegfried, New Yorkers for Accessible Health Coverage, Jasmine Burnett, Raising Women’s Voices. HCFANY held a short briefing this morning for coalition members and allies in the NYC area. For […]