Don’t believe everything you read.

Posted January, 20 2012 by arianne

With the idea that all people deserve quality, affordable health care now such a partisan issue in the presidential race, it’s no wonder the media has been flooded with articles, editorials, polls and research on the topic. You could easily read one thing telling you Americans love health reform and then turn around and see another saying Americans hate health reform, with both […]

The Exchange Bill is back!

Posted January, 18 2012 by arianne

As mentioned in the update to yesterday’s post, the proposed budget released yesterday included a new provision to establish a New York health insurance exchange (or “Health Benefit Exchange”).   This was included in the Health and Mental Hygiene Article VII bill. The proposed language in this new iteration of the bill looks in many ways very […]

NYS budget to be released today

Posted January, 17 2012 by arianne

Governor Cuomo is set to give his budget address today at 2 PM to outline his spending plan for the next year.  Expected to be on the agenda, of course, is more on Medicaid.  Some are speculating that he will talk about a state take-over of local county Medicaid expenses. Also expected on the agenda is talk of the […]

Cute! And educational. But, more importantly, cute!

Posted January, 13 2012 by arianne

Well, those wizards at the Kaiser Family Foundation have done it again.  They have found yet another way to blow this blogger’s mind.  This time, in the form of a 9 minute cartoon on health reform. It’s titled “Health Reform Hits Main Street,” and is narrated by – who else? – Cokie Roberts.  Never thought I would see a cartoon narrated […]