Conservative Federal judges strike down challenge to ACA

Posted November, 8 2011 by arianne

Well. This is good news. Several news outlets are reporting that the Appeals Court for the District of Columbia Circuit has upheld a lower court ruling that had found it to be all fine and dandy and, more importantly, constitutional, to require Americans to buy health insurance or face a penalty (i.e. the “individual mandate” provision of the ACA). […]

So, just how affordable IS the Affordable Care Act?

Posted November, 4 2011 by arianne

Families USA (FUSA) has just come out with a series of reports to answer that age old question that has been on everyone’s mind since the words “Affordable Care Act” were first uttered: How much money is this actually going to save me? According to FUSA, the average New Yorker will be better off by about $1,160 by the […]

Thanks MRT, for bringing NY one step closer to health care equality!

Posted November, 3 2011 by arianne

Earlier this week, Governor Cuomo’s Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) voted in favor of recommending to streamline and improve access to Emergency Medicaid as part of a series of proposals aimed to reduce disparities in healthcare throughout New York State.  This, along with several of these other measures, has long been a part of HCFANY’s “to-do” list.  In fact, HCFANY recently issued […]

You asked for it!

Posted November, 1 2011 by arianne

What better way to work off that candy coma then with a bit of good, old-fashioned reading?  And lucky for you, we just happen to have a whole stack of available reading materials posted here just for you!  See, while most folks were out there dressing up as vixens or Voltrons or whatnot, HCFANY was burning […]