Posted October, 14 2011 by arianne
Advocacy groups around the state are taking initiative to show their support for the prior approval process and the public release of health insurer rate increase justification memos. HCFANY has been working to make this information available on the grounds that consumers have a right to know exactly why they’re being asked to pay so […]
Posted October, 13 2011 by arianne
The fine folks at the NYS Department of Financial Services (DOFS) have issued their annual consumer guide to health insurers. The guide features information on all of the major health insurers in the state and ranks them each based on things like quality of care and consumer complaints. Again, this guide only includes info on health […]
Posted October, 12 2011 by arianne
Your insurance company wants more money from you. Why? Because it said so. You wouldn’t understand anyways. Just hand over your wallet and keep your mouth shut and nobody will get hurt. Except, people are getting hurt. They’re being forced to choose between paying exorbitant increases to their health insurance premiums, or putting food on the table. And for what? So many […]
Posted October, 7 2011 by arianne
Remember all that “essential health benefit” business in the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? You know, how insurance plans sold on he upcomimg state insurance exchanges will have to cover certain basic benefits in order to be qualified? Well, the ACA said it was up to HHS to say what the essential health benefit package should include. HHS then enlisted the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to propose a […]