New Yorkers hit the road to protect the social safety net

Posted July, 12 2011 by arianne

New Yorkers and groups around the state are gearing up for a 2-day, 2-leg caravan next week to meet with congressional delegation members and drive the point home that our social safety net programs – Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security – need to be protected and preserved. The tour will begin simultaneously in both upstate and downstate regions on Wednesday, […]

Alas! Exchange regulations make their offical debut

Posted July, 11 2011 by arianne

And what a debut it is…all 244 pages of it.  Inside the document you will find:  minimum requirements for state-based exchanges,  minimum requirements for health plans that wish to participate on the exchanges, basic requirements for employers wishing to participate in SHOP exchanges HHS is accepting public comment on the proposed rules over the next 75 […]

Newsflash: Medicaid amounts to more than just $$$

Posted July, 7 2011 by arianne

An interesting new study is now out by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).  The study took the opportunity presented by a small Medicaid expansion that Oregon underwent in 2008.  At that time, the state decided it was able to add 10,000 more enrollees.  However, nearly 90,000 people actually applied. The 10,000 that the state was able […]

Federal insurance exchange regulations due out soon(ish).

Posted July, 6 2011 by arianne

 According to several news sources, the health insurance Exchange regulations that were due to be released tomorrow (July 7th) will likely be postponed, though its not clear by how long. The regulations were originally scheduled to be released this past spring, but were initally postponed.  It’s not yet entirely known what the regulations will cover, but they are expected to cover, […]