KidsWell Campaign Launches Website and Online Resource Hub for Health Reform Implementation

Posted June, 29 2011 by arianne

KidsWell, a campaign dedicated to the successful implementation of federal health reform for America’s children, launched www.KidsWellCampaign.org, a website monitoring state and national health care reform implementation and opposition across the country. Check it out! CSS, SCAA, and CDF-NY are partners of the KidsWell Coalition, a diverse network of state and national organizations supported by […]

No more pencils, no more books…for now anyways

Posted June, 29 2011 by arianne

Session may be out for the summer, but Senate Republicans won’t get to sleep in for very much longer.  Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos said on Monday that the Senate is likely to return in the next few weeks for a special clean-up session to revisit, among other things, the New York Health Insurance Exchange bill. […]

It takes two to tango

Posted June, 24 2011 by arianne

Word on the street is the Senate may adjourn without passing the Exchange bill. Click here to read the latest update from timesunion.com More to come…