House GOP to America: "LET THEM EAT CAKE!"

Posted April, 15 2011 by arianne

The U.S. House of Representatives today adopted the Ryan 2012 Budget Resolution on a 235-193 vote.  The vote fell mostly on party lines, with not a single Democrat voting in favor of the plan.  Four Republicans voted against it.  The NY Times has a good interactive feature on the geographic breakdown of the vote. The bill now moves […]

Insurance Industry: WINNING

Posted April, 14 2011 by arianne

A new report released yesterday by the United Hospital Fund (UHF) has confirmed what anybody who pays for their own insurance already knows: the health insurance industry is making a killing off of us.   UHF’s report, titled “The Big Picture III: Private and Public Health Insurance Markets in 2009,” finds that commercial health plans posted gains of $921 million – […]

ACTION ALERT: Call Congress today and tell them to vote NO on the Ryan 2012 House Budget Proposal

Posted April, 13 2011 by arianne

Later this week, the U.S. House of Representative is scheduled to vote on its 2012 House Budget proposal, introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis) last week.  The Republican majority’s proposal will increase costs and cut off health care to millions of Americans by:  Repealing the Affordable Care Act and defunding implementation efforts in the states. Turning Medicaid funding […]

House budget resolution hangs seniors out to dry

Posted April, 7 2011 by arianne

Advocates are still reeling over the House budget resolution introduced by Representative Ryan earlier this week.   The House proposes to cut $1.43 trillion from Medicare and Medicaid and puts Medicare into the hands of the private insurance industry – leaving many seniors and people with disabilities without a financial safety net.  Those who require long term care will inevitably suffer the most […]