
Posted July, 2 2010 by arianne

Yesterday’s website launch marked the accomplishment of a major health reform milestone. The website is the first of its kind to act as a national library, placing both public and private health insurance options in a single place. The site is an ongoing work and states are encouraged to supply comments and program information so […]

New York’s Small Businesses Empowered by New Ability to Offer Affordable Health Insurance

Posted July, 1 2010 by arianne

The State Legislature’s budget deal this week included a little-known provision to fix the State’s Family Health Plus Employer Buy-In (EBI) program.  Leveraging the new tax credits under federal health reform, the Legislature’s move will help small business across New York buy comprehensive, affordable health care coverage for as little as $157 per employee per […]

Suport S.4057A/A.7515A!

Posted June, 24 2010 by arianne

If a child receives a school meal, he should  be eligible for Medicaid or Family Health Plus. S.4057A/A.7515A, The Child Health Plus and School Meals Enrollment Coordination Act of 2011 would allow families to use proof of enrollment in New York’s School Meals Program as documentation proof of income for children applying for Medicaid and […]

State legislators pass Budget extenter; includes increase on cigarette tax

Posted June, 22 2010 by arianne

Last night the state Senate approved Gov. Paterson’s emergency spending legislation which will keep the government running for the coming week, but also boosts the state’s tax on a pack of cigarettes by $1.60. Taxes on cigars, dip and other tobacco products are also going up from 46% of the wholesale price to 75%. Read […]