As Senate Floor Debate Nears, Baucus Improves Affordability Measures in Health Bill

Posted September, 23 2009 by arianne

In a welcome move, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Montana) modified the Chairman’s Mark of the America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009 to improve affordability. Changes include NY Senator Charles Schumer’s amendment subsidizing insurance premiums that exceed 12% of income for individuals earning $32,490 to $43,320. Twelve percent is still more than American families […]

New England Journal of Medicine Survey Indicates Physicians Support Health Reform, Including a Public Plan

Posted September, 16 2009 by arianne

A  survey conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine found that the majority (63%) of U.S. physicians support using both public and private insurance options to expand health coverage.  The survey also found that 62% of American Medical Association (AMA) members support a public option—which is consistent with the AMA’s statement of support for the House reform […]

Commonwealth Fund Report: Soaring Health Insurance Premiums Endanger Employees and Businesses Alike

Posted August, 25 2009 by arianne

A report released last week by the Commonwealth Fund, Paying the Price: How Health insurance Premiums are Eating Up Middle-Class Incomes, found that between 1999 and 2008, employer sponsored health insurance (ESI) premiums rose by 119%, while median American family income rose by only 29%. In New York, employer-sponsored Insurance (ESI) premiums for a family rose […]