Posted September, 23 2009 by arianne
In a welcome move, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Montana) modified the Chairman’s Mark of the America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009 to improve affordability. Changes include NY Senator Charles Schumer’s amendment subsidizing insurance premiums that exceed 12% of income for individuals earning $32,490 to $43,320. Twelve percent is still more than American families […]
Posted September, 16 2009 by arianne
A survey conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine found that the majority (63%) of U.S. physicians support using both public and private insurance options to expand health coverage. The survey also found that 62% of American Medical Association (AMA) members support a public option—which is consistent with the AMA’s statement of support for the House reform […]
Posted September, 11 2009 by arianne
The U.S Census Bureau announced yesterday that there are now 46.3 million Americans living without health insurance. This includes 2.7 million uninsured individuals in New York. HCFANY was disheartened to see the number of uninsured adults (age 19-64) take a one year leap from 17.2% to 19%. While the number of uninsured adults increased, there […]
Posted August, 25 2009 by arianne
A report released last week by the Commonwealth Fund, Paying the Price: How Health insurance Premiums are Eating Up Middle-Class Incomes, found that between 1999 and 2008, employer sponsored health insurance (ESI) premiums rose by 119%, while median American family income rose by only 29%. In New York, employer-sponsored Insurance (ESI) premiums for a family rose […]