BALCONY report on small business attitudes toward health care reform

Posted June, 5 2008 by arianne

The Business And Labor Coalition of New York (BALCONY) along with the Small Business Majority, AARP and the American Cancer Society released a report that looks at small business attitudes toward health care reform.  The report also measures how entrepreneurs feel about health care costs and the popularity of the various options to reform the health insurance system in […]

People's Public Hearing Brings New Energy to State Health Reform Conversation

Posted May, 29 2008 by arianne

Thanks to everyone who trekked to Albany yesterday for HCFANY’s People’s Public Hearing! The event was a success by any standard with a diverse audience of over 200 New Yorkers from across the state in attendance.  State Health Commissioner Richard Daines, M.D. was also on hand as well as the Governor’s Assistant Deputy Secretary for Health & Human Services Joe Baker […]

TODAY: Victims of Health Care System Tell Their Stories at People's Public Hearing

Posted May, 28 2008 by arianne

Health insurance consumers will testify in Albany today before a panel of state officials and legislators about their personal experiences with a broken health care system, and make recommendations as to how to fix the system in order to deliver quality, affordable health care for all New Yorkers. “Today’s hearing provides a snapshot of why […]

Come Join the People's Public Hearing in Albany – TOMORROW!

Posted May, 27 2008 by arianne

Well folks, tomorrow is the BIG DAY! Come join your fellow HCFANY members in the "Well" of the Legislative Building in Albany tomorrow between 11 AM and 3 PM.  There will be 2 free buses picking up people in four locations – we still have a few seats available!!! UPSTATE: There will be a bus […]