Today’s post comes to us from guest bloggers Bob Cohen and Stephen Greenberg of Citizen Action of New York We’re nearly a month away from the beginning of enrollment in the New York health insurance exchange and we couldn’t be more excited about the potential we have to cover over a million more New Yorkers! […]
Tasha Williams, left, of NYC for Action volunteered at the Get Covered New York booth Sunday in Harlem. Today’s post comes from guest blogger Lois Uttley, of Raising Women’s Voices Get Covered New York was out in force last weekend at events in upper Manhattan and Brooklyn. More than 30 volunteers from NYC for Action […] A few weeks ago, New York held its first statewide enrollment summit for the New York State Health Benefit Exchange. The purpose of this invitation-only event was twofold: to update stakeholders on the State’s progress and plans, and to gather feedback on how to maximize outreach and enrollment. Along with Exchange officials, we also heard […]
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a series of state-based reports today on how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been faring so far in the 50 states. Specifically, the reports highlight the numbers associated with the new coverage options, health savings, and federal funding. One interesting set of numbers I had […]