The final word from Albany: NY State’s 2015-2016 Enacted Budget

Posted April, 7 2015 by Amanda

NYS legislators approved the 2015-2016 State Enacted Budget in the wee hours of April Fool’s Day last week (no joke). As always, HCFANY groups had worked hard to promote strong health insurance provisions. Here’s where things landed when it comes to key consumer health care priorities: Consumer Assistance Funding: The final budget contains $3 million […]

Spring has sprung for surprise bills protections

Posted April, 1 2015 by Amanda

Today is the day that New York’s new surprise bills protection law went into effect! The new Emergency Medical Services and Surprise Bills Law will hold New Yorkers harmless from medical bills that result from the unexpected use of “out-of-network” providers. HCFANY worked closely with consumer groups, including Consumers Union, American Cancer Society and AARP, and New York’s Department of Financial Services […]

New Advocacy Tools from HCFANY!

Posted February, 27 2015 by Amanda

Need some new tools for your advocacy toolbox? Take a look at these new resources on the HCFANY website! The Legislative Session is in full swing, so now is the time to get up to speed on the top health care priorities for New York consumers! We recently released two issue briefs about HCFANY’s policy agenda. The […]

HCFANY delivers testimony on 2015-2016 Executive Budget

Posted February, 2 2015 by Amanda

Today, HCFANY submitted testimony on Governor Cuomo’s 2015-2016 Executive Budget to the fiscal committees of New York’s Senate and Assembly for the annual Health/Medicaid budget hearing. Overall, we were happy to see many positive proposals that would help more New Yorkers find, keep and use quality, affordable health insurance. However, we also noted several proposals that […]