Robin Hood in Reverse

Posted March, 21 2017 by Amanda Dunker

The Republican health care bill, officially called The American Health Care Act or AHCA, is scheduled for a vote in the House this Thursday. HCFANY reviewed the many ways in which this bill will hurt New Yorkers in a webinar last week (you can find the recording here).Since last week we’ve looked deeper into the […]

CBO: Republican Plan Increases Number of Uninsured by 24 Million

Posted March, 13 2017 by Amanda Dunker

The Congressional Budget Office released its analysis of the House Republican’s health bill today, and it does not bode well for the millions of people who buy their own insurance or have insurance through the Medicaid program. CBO is a non-partisan entity that “scores” new legislation proposed in Congress. A law’s score tells Congress and […]

Action Alert: Say “No” to the American Health Care Act

Posted March, 9 2017 by Amanda Dunker

The American Health Care Act, released late Monday and approved for a House vote by both necessary committees, guts Medicaid and threatens coverage for millions. You can help prevent this harmful bill from passing: -Call your members of Congress at 866-426-2631 and tell them to say “no” to the American Health Care Act. You will […]

Breaking Down the House ACA Repeal and Replace Legislation

Posted March, 7 2017 by Taylor Frazier

Yesterday, Members of the House of Representatives introduced Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal and replacement legislation in the Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce Committees. According to a blog post from Health Affairs, the committees will begin markup of the bills tomorrow, March 8, and the House is hoping to pass a repeal and […]