Enhanced Safety Net Hospital Reimbursement Bill Needs Governor’s Signature

Posted December, 29 2016 by Taylor Frazier

Last week, the Enhanced Safety Net Hospital Reimbursement Bill, which HCFANY endorsed in May 2016, was sent to Governor Cuomo for his signature. The bill provides enhanced funding to safety net hospitals that: Have at least 50 percent patients enrolled in Medicaid or uninsured Have at least 40 percent of inpatient discharges covered by Medicaid […]

All Time High of 97 Percent of New York’s Latino Children Have Health Insurance

Posted December, 27 2016 by Taylor Frazier

Earlier this month, the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute’s Center for Children and Families released a new report on Latino children’s health coverage. According to recently released data from the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 676,000 Latino children nationally gained health insurance coverage from 2013 to 2015. The uninsurance rate for Latino children declined from 11.5 […]

HCFANY Speaks Out on Staten Island

Posted December, 21 2016 by Taylor Frazier

Yesterday, HCFANY, partners, and community members participated in a “speak-out” event in front of Representative Daniel Donovan’s district office on Staten Island. Using the message “Don’t Take Away My Healthcare,” participants urged Representative Donovan to vote against a repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This event was part of a National Day of Health […]

Are You One of the 27 Percent?

Posted December, 20 2016 by Amanda Dunker

Twenty-seven percent of people under 65 have a pre-existing condition that would make them uninsurable without the Affordable Care Act (the ACA, or “ObamaCare”) and they’ve been talking about it using the hashtag the27percent. Not sure if you are one of those people? The Kaiser Family Foundation just released a partial list of conditions that […]